Blackmagic Disk Speed Test Windows


Disk Speed Test shows writing information, including time, speed and the number of blocks, in a dedicated panel in the main window, with a special option to draw a graph and let you analyze the. Performs disk speed test and provided details about how fast your disks can transfer data. The information provided includes data transfer rate for linear reads, random read transfer rate and the seek time of the drive. An overall score is given so you can compare different brands of drives when purchasing.

If you have ever suspected that a slow performing server is down to slow access to a hard drive you may have started searching the web for a tool to help diagnose the root of the problem.

Blackmagic Disk Speed Test Windows Alternative

What you might not know is that Windows has a very handy built-in tool for doing just that and can provide some excellent real-time statistics.

The Windows command you need to run is called ‘winsat‘ and to run you simply do the following:

  1. Open an elevated command prompt Click Start then type cmd in the search box
    Right click on cmd and select Run as administrator
    Tip: Open quickly: Windows Key + R, cmd enter
  2. In the Command prompt window, type.winsat disk -drive d(where ‘d’ is the drive you wish to test)

You should see a response similar to the following…

Blackmagic Disk Speed Test Windows 10

The handy thing about this tool is that with it being a simple Windows command you can easily add it to scripts or schedule it and output the result to a log file. for example a simple batch file could be run like this.

/download-fiddler-root-certificate-for-android.html. @echo off
set TXTPATH=c:drivestats.txt
echo —STARTING Disk Statistics—– >>%TXTPATH%
echo %date% %time% >>%TXTPATH%
winsat disk -drive d >>%TXTPATH%
echo %date% %time% >>%TXTPATH%
echo —FINISHED Disk Statistics—– >>%TXTPATH%

Blackmagic Disk Speed Test Windows

So If you suspect your disk access is being compromised at a specific point in time you can schedule a test to be run and compare with the same test run at a quieter time. /download-game-hopeless-land-indonesia.html.