Download Fiddler Root Certificate For Android


Fiddler and FiddlerCore offer three different choices for generating interception certificates:

  • MakeCert
  • CertEnroll
  • Bouncy Castle

If you’re so inclined, you can even write your own certificate generator (say, by wrapping OpenSSL) and expose it to Fiddler using the ICertificateProvider3 interface.

On Windows, Fiddler includes the MakeCert and CertEnroll certificate generators by default; you can download the Bouncy Castle Certificate Generator if you like. In contrast, when Fiddler is running on Linux and Mac, only the Bouncy Castle certificate generator is available, and it is included by default.

Download the Fiddler root certificate. This is all you need to know about capturing web traffic from Android devices with Fiddler. If you have any questions.

If you’re using Windows, however, you may wonder which Certificate Generator you should use in Fiddler or for your applications based on FiddlerCore.

In general, I recommend the Bouncy Castle generator, as it has better performance than the default MakeCert generator and it offers more configuration choices than the CertEnroll generator. Another advantage of the Bouncy Castle certificate generator is that the only certificate that (typically) goes in the Windows Certificate store is the root certificate. The server (end-entity) certificates generated for each website are kept in memory and discarded when Fiddler exits; because the Bouncy Castle generator reuses a single private key for all certificates by default, the performance impact of this behavior is minimal.

The only downside to the Bouncy Castle generator is its size: it is ~200KB when compressed, which is 25% larger than FiddlerCore itself.

The CertEnroll generator was added to Fiddler relatively recently; it offers better performance and standards-compliance than the legacy MakeCert generator but it is available only on Windows 7 and later. You can easily switch Fiddler to use CertEnroll inside Tools > Fiddler Options > HTTPS.

  • Oke kembali lagi ke FIddler, Karena Fiddler memproduksi Fake Certificate dan bukanlah sebuah Certificate yang diterbitkan oleh Trusted Root Certificate Authority, Browser anda tidak akan mengenali Certificate yang dikirim oleh Attacker (Dengan asumsi bahwa Attacker adalah pengguna Fiddler).
  • Android: add cert to system store. Root is required to add a certificate to the system store, but it is quiet. I have been searching for fiddler.

The MakeCert generator is the original certificate generator used by Fiddler and it remains the default on Windows today (mostly) for legacy compatibility reasons. It suffers from a number of shortcomings, including the fact that the certificates it generates are not compatible with iOS and (some) Android devices. It generates certificates with a 1024 bit RSA key (which may soon trigger warnings in some browsers) and each certificate has a unique key (meaning that each new secure site you visit triggers the somewhat costly key generation code).

Both the CertEnroll and MakeCert-based certificate generators must store all server certificates in the Windows Certificate store which some users may find confusing:

The storage of (potentially thousands of) server certificates in the user profile can also cause some problems for corporate users who have roaming user profiles, as these certificates are roamed to each workstation as the user logs in. To mitigate that, the Clear server certs on exit checkbox can be set inside the Tools > Fiddler Options > HTTPS > Certificate Provider dialog, or via:

FiddlerApplication.Prefs.SetBoolPref('fiddler.certmaker.CleanupServerCertsOnExit', true);

… however, the downside of doing that is that Fiddler must then re-create the server certificates every time it starts. This performance penalty is smaller when using CertEnroll, which reuses a single 2048-bit RSA key, than for MakeCert, which generates unique 1024-bit RSA keys for each site.

FiddlerCore Considerations

To determine which Certificate Generator is in use, be sure to attach the following event handlers:

Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.OnNotification +=
delegate(object sender, NotificationEventArgs oNEA) { Console.WriteLine(“** NotifyUser: ” + oNEA.NotifyString); };
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.Log.OnLogString +=
delegate(object sender, LogEventArgs oLEA) { Console.WriteLine(“** LogString: ” + oLEA.LogString); };
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You can then view information about the Certificate Generator in the console when it loads.

Developers building applications atop FiddlerCore should keep the following in mind when deciding which Certificate Generator to use:


  • MakeCert.exe is a Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 redistributable file, meaning that you’re licensed to redistribute it if you have an appropriate license to that version of Visual Studio. Microsoft may offer MakeCert.exe as a redistributable in other circumstances, but licensing is provided by Microsoft, not Telerik.
  • To use MakeCert.exe, you must include it adjacent to your application’s .exe file.
  • MakeCert-generated certificates are not compatible with iOS and some Android devices.
  • MakeCert-generated certificates “pollute” the user’s Certificate Store and you should consider offering a mechanism to clear them.


  • The CertEnroll API is available on Windows 7 and later.
  • Use CertEnroll by either omitting makecert.exe from the application’s folder or by explicitly setting the preference:
  • FiddlerApplication.Prefs.SetBoolPref('fiddler.certmaker.PreferCertEnroll', true);

  • CertEnroll-generated certificates “pollute” the user’s Certificate Store and you should consider offering a mechanism to clear them.

Bouncy Castle

  • Bouncy Castle is an open-source PKI and crypto library distributed under the MIT license.

  • To use Bouncy Castle, you must include CertMaker.dll and BCMakeCert.dll adjacent to your application’s .exe file.
  • Bouncy Castle does not store certificates in the Windows Certificate Store (yay!) but this also means that your application needs to keep track of its root certificate and private key (unless you recreate and retrust it every time the application runs).

    Two preferences are used to hold the key and certificate, fiddler.certmaker.bc.key and fiddler.certmaker.bc.cert. After you first call createRootCert, you should retrieve these preferences using FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetStringPref and store them somewhere within your application’s settings (registry, XML, etc); the private key should be considered sensitive data and protected as such. When your application next runs, it should detect whether the key and certificate have already been created, and if so, they should be provided to the certificate generator using FiddlerApplication.Prefs.SetStringPref before any certificates are requested, lest you inadvertently create a new root certificate.

    Rick Strahl wrote a great blog post on this process, including some sample code.


  1. Download and install Fiddler from

  2. Run Fiddler, open Tools > Options and make it listen on port 9999. is not good as it's often in use by some other software

  3. allow remote computers to connect

  4. Make it decrypt HTTPS

  5. Download the Fiddler Delayed Extension (a DLL file) from

  6. Copy the download DLL file to C:Program Files (x86)Fiddler2Scripts

  7. Restart Fiddler

  8. Configure the latency

  9. Export root certificate to desktop it to 'YOURNAME-fiddler.cer'

  10. Connect Android phone to the computer and copy the certificate somewhere to the phone storage

  11. Last step depends on Android version and phone.Go to settings, look for 'Security', then sth like 'Credential storage' > 'Install from device memory/SD card'

  12. Navigate to the .cer file you've previously copied and select it. Android will show a popup.Put your name as certificate name and click OK.

  13. Learn about your machine nameRun this in git bash: ipconfig.exe //all head -5Combine 'Host Name' and 'Primary Dns Suffix' with a dot, and note it down for later.

  14. On Android device again, go to 'Settings' > 'WiFi'

  15. Long tap on the network you are connected to

  16. From the popup, click 'Modify network'

  17. Another popup shows up. Tick 'Show advanced options'.

  18. Choose 'Proxy' > Manual

  19. In 'proxy hostname' put your machine IP (like 172.x.x.x) or machine name ( from step 12.

  20. In 'proxy port' put 9999 (as configured in port 2)

  21. Click 'save'.

  22. Open Fiddler on Windows and observe traffic from Android flowing through Fiddler.

Download Fiddler Root Certificate For Android Download

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