Gpx Editor For Mac


GpxUi is a graphical user interface wrapped around GPX, a command line utility.

Should work on Windows (tested on Windows 10), Mac (tested on El Capitan) andLinux (tested on Kubuntu 15 and 16).

GPX is a post processing utility for converting gcode output from 3D slicingsoftware like Cura, KISSlicer, S3DCreator and Slic3r to x3g files for standalone3D printing on Makerbot Cupcake, ThingOMatic, and Replicator 1/2/2x printers - withsupport for both stock and SailFish firmwares.

This GpxUi includes gpx.exe for use as a plugin to slicers, but also includes asettings editor and setup program to make it easy to get GPX set up and runningwith the right settings. Also includes a machine settings editor so you can messwith arcane stuff like how many steps per mm.



  1. Download and run setup.exe from the releases page


GPX Editor can edit GPX files exported from many GPS devices and other apps. VIRB Edit for Mac software version 5.4.3. As of September 11, 2018. Download (123.10 MB). View installation instructions. Notes: The VIRB® Edit desktop app combines your VIRB video footage with GPS and other data from any VIRB action camera or a compatible Garmin device. GPX, or GPX Exchange Format, is an XML schema designed as a common GPS data format for software applications. GPX Viewer has the same functionality as GPX Editor with the exception of saving files (assuming they both are the same version number). You can only save files with GPX Editor. I run exclusively Mac for my computers (desktop/laptop) and have been looking for a good app to edit.gpx files. I've been using Garmin BaseCamp, but looking for something better. Digging around a bit, I discovered an app called GPX Editor in the App Store. It allows you to create/modify.

  1. Download a GpxUi.dmg from the releases page
  2. Open the GpxUi.dmg file and drag the GpxUi app to your Applications folder
  3. Run GpxUi from the Launcher


Weird, I'm also post-processing my Gaia GPS tracks with 'GPX Editor' on the Mac (indeed a GREAT app!), but I never had to rename a file. When I export the track under 'Data/GPX' from my track folder on my browser downloads the gpx file with a '.gpx' extension, and I can load this directly into the app. Free gpx editor 2 download for mac. Lifestyle downloads - GPX Editor by Modesitt Software and many more programs are available for instant and free download.

  1. Build it from source (instructions below) and do make install
  2. run “GpxUi”


  1. Choose your printer type
  2. Choose the gcode flavor of the slicer you want to use
  3. Click “Save” to save those two settings into gpx.ini
  4. Click the translate button, it’ll ask for the name of the gcode file and the name of the output x3g file


The setup added gpx.exe to your path, so you can easily add it as a postprocessor to Slic3r:

  1. Put Slic3r into expert mode via File.Preferences from the menu bar and restart Slic3r
  2. Choose “Print Settings” tab, “Output options” panel
  3. In “Post-processing scripts” type “gpx.exe” all by itself without quotes or parameters

Mac Note

  • Replace step 3 with: In “Post-processing scripts” type “/Application/”

Gpx Editor Mac Freeware

Windows Notes

It added to the end of your path, so if you have a gpx.exe somewhere else onyour machine and on your path, it won’t read the settings you set in GpxUi becausethe other one will win and it won’t know where these settings are. Adobe photoshop cs3 free download for mac.

You can switch the settings around and gpx.exe will just use whatever you savedlast. Settings are also saved when you use GpxUi to translate a file.

Gpx Editor For Mac

Setup added an icon to your desktop and to your start menu. If you like a cleandesktop like me, drag the desktop one to the trash, you can still run it fromstart. Seems like letting you drag it to the trash was easier than botheringyou with a question in setup.

GpxUi includes an auto-updater courtesy of Squirrel for Windows. It checks forupdates when you start it. So if you leave it running or never run it, itdoesn’t update. Plus it has a limiter on it so it doesn’t check every time youboot it up, just when it has been a while. You can turn this off on theHelp.Updates… menu.

Gpx Editor For Mac Installer

Future features

  • Have setup connect gpx.exe to the right-click on gcode files menu so youcan right-click on a gcode file and choose “Convert to x3g”
  • A warning when it notices another gpx.exe earlier on the path
  • Have an option to send a copy of the x3g to a flashair card
  • Have setup or a configuration dialog automatically add plugins to variousslicers
  • Drag and drop?

Gpx Editor For Mac Software


  • Squirrel.Windows (only needthis if you are going to build setup)

Build instructions

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Get the submodules git submodule update --init
  3. Install QT and make sure it and the mingw32 it includes is on your path, Irun gnu make under bash so I may have introduced a build-time dependency onbash
  4. make for the debug build or make release for the optimized build

For Windows setup.exe: make squirrel.windowsFor Mac dmg: make macdeployqt CODESIGNID='signature name'

Ubuntu build instructions

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Get the submodules git submodule update --init
  3. Install qt5 tools and libraries sudo apt-get install qttools5-dev-toolsqtbase5-dev
  4. make for the debug build or make release for the optimized build
  5. make install

Gpx Editor For Mac Catalina

Only GPX format is supported. Edit trace allows you to add track points before the starting point your device recorded or at the end of the track. Every new track point is placed at an arbitrary value of 30 seconds before/after the previous/next one.
  • FindItMore GPS Exchange Format (GPX) File helps track routes and sharing map information between applications and web devices on the Internet. All the Garmin devices recognize GPX file format, and you can use them by importing them to your GPS device as Points of Interests (POIs) to track places, such as restaurants, gas stations, and shopping malls.
  • Donate; Help WTracks! Please support WTracks by contributing to development and hosting costs: Thanks to all donators! ⚠ Do not check the 'goods and services' option in paypal, you would pay useless fees.
  • Jun 13, 2020 · Download GPX Editor for free. Load, modify and save your GPX 1.1 files. Add and remove waypoints, edit track and routes, simplify tracks (reducing file's size), clean recorded data, add and edit GPX metadata, edit waypoint, route and track properties, all with real-time preview.
  • Sign in to Garmin Connect to track, analyze and share the activities from your Garmin device.