Android Quiz Game Source Code Free Download


Quiz App is an android based application, and enables the user to undertake a series of questions on Java language. The app is user friendly, and the user shall find it extremely easy to answer the multiple-choice questions. At the end of the quiz, a result-report is generated which states the score. The Quiz app also presents an option to the current user to play the question-round again or quit in between.

This Quiz App was developed as a learning project for Android. It is developed in Android Studio 3.6

  • compileSdkVersion – 29
  • buildToolVersion – 28-0-3
  • minSdkVersion – 17
  • targetSdkVersion -29

Android is an open source so that developer find it easy to develop and expand new features. So let's do the coding. Getting Started: First you will have to download & install the Android Development IDE (Android Studio or Eclipse). Android Studio is an open source development feel free to develop your things. Project: E-Commerce Application in Android with Full Source Code. The E-Commerce Application in Android is a designed as very simple android application that students who are starting to learn computer programming can use this project as their reference. This E-Commerce Application is very easy to use and understand because of its simple interface. This is a tutorial for developing a Ball Game in Android OS. It will introduce you to developing Android games using AndEngine (free Android 2D open source game engine). To understand this tutorial, you will need to have some basic knowledge about AndEngine and programming in Java.

Again that we are well versed with Activity, Layout, Views etc its time to get our hands dirty, and create our second application. This application will have a science quiz app, and user will have option to answer in True or False. Based on what the user enters, we will show the user, whether they selected the correct option or not by simply showing a message saying Correct or Incorrect.

Android Quiz Game Source Code Free Download Windows 10

For Quiz App Open Android Studio and go to File → New → New Project. In the New Project window, enter the Application Name as Quiz and company domain as com.technic.quiz and Click on Next.


In the next step you will be asked to select the targeted device, on which your application will be supported. Let’s stick with Phone and Tablet for this Quiz App application. And in the drop down saying Minimum SDK choose API 16: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean), this means our App will work on all the Phones and Tablets with Android Version 4.1 till 7(the latest version). Click on Next button.

Layout File of Quiz

Now its time to add the first Activity to our application. Select the Empty Activity from the avilable options. And click on Next.

Enter the activity name to be MainActivity, and Android Studio will automatically fill the layout file name. /free-cpanel-download-for-windows.html. It is a standard practice to add suffix Activity in the Activity names and we will follow it. And for layout XML file, it is all words in small and in reverse order, separated by underscore _. Click on Finish to create the Quiz app project.

Manifest File for Quiz

Android Studio will take some time, to build everything, so be a little patient. Once Android Studio finished building your project, you will see a new project added to the left project tool window, the activity file will be open and in the Preview tool window you will see the preview for your app. Quiz App-If the Preview tool window in not open, go to View → Tool Windows → Preview, and the preview window will show up on the right side. Make other Java Quiz App Click Here.

YouTube Video

There are four Activities in the app :

Main – displays Home Screen of application.
Questions – displays MCQ’s and currents Score.
Results – displays Results after finishing the quiz.
Developers – displays the information about the developers.

Quiz app Download Source Code

Click below to get the source code android Quiz application.

Android Quiz Game Source Code free. download full

Download Quiz Apk: Click Here
Quiz Logo Download: Click Here

Download Source Code

Click below to get the full source code android Quiz App application.


We have successfully created a Quiz App Android application using Android Studio.
