Php Artisan Key Generate Windows



This installation guide is for latest version,if you are installing an older version of laravel, please find it's instructions in the left menu.

How to get all files without going through below steps?

Windows Users If you don't want to install all of them manually. Php artisan key:generate. Add tables to databaes. Php artisan migrate. Running php artisan key:generate in a Laravel project where the.env file does not contain an APPKEY= line results in the following output: Application key base64:KEYHERE= set successfully. However, the key is not written to the.env file, so the status message is incorrect.

You can always get all files zip from our github repo but i strongly advice you to compile things youself, because.

Hi there i'm following the Windows ISS (Install Snipe-IT Windows 2008 R2 With IIS) I have so far gone through with minimal problems i'm on step 'Configuring Snipe IT' under chapter 3 iii i'm trying to run the command 'php artisan key:gen. Once you've Downloaded Snipe-IT, set up your Configuration in your.env file, and Installed Dependencies, you'll need to set an app key. The easiest way to do this is via the artisans command:This should automatically set the APPKEY value in your.env file for you. After that, you're ready for the. If you just created the.env file, you need to create a security key for the application php artisan key:generate; Test your initial Laravel application using the artisan serve command php artisan serve; Connecting a Database. In the.env file you can setup a database to work with your project. You need to set the database connection parameters.

  1. when you make any changes to sass files, you need to compile anyways (i.e. running npm run dev)
  2. when you want to add new npm packages, you need to comiple again
  3. when you want to add new composer packages, you need to compile aswell
  4. if you use git for storing your project then storing all assets in git repo is not at all a good idea.

However, if you still wish to get zip with all assets included, you can always get from our github repo.

macos mojave image download for virtualbox This Installation guide has been split into 3 parts

  • Pre-requisites
  • Installation
  • after setup

# Pre-requisites

To use JOSH which is a developer-oriented product, you should have a basic idea of following tools and make sure they are installed in your system.

Windows Users

If you don't want to install all of them manually, please download laragon /train-to-busan-eng-sub-download.html.

# Git

you can check if you have git by running git --version in terminal, if you don't have can get it from

or on *nix system, you can install by running apt-get install git command

# nodejs

you can check if you have nodejs installed or not by running nodejs -v in terminal, if you don't have it. you can get it from

for *nix system, find instructions here

# yarn

you can check for yarn existence by running yarn -v in terminal, if you don't have it, you can get from their website and follow instructions mentioned there

# composer

you can check for composer existence by running composer -v in terminal and if you don't have it, get it from

Php Artisan Key:generate Windows 7

# Installation

The zip file contains all laravel files integrated with josh, however, you need to perform the following steps to get vendors etc.

# .env file and setting your values

Since everyone can have their own database name, mail settings etc, laravel doesn't ship with .env but .env.example which we copy as .env and modify with our DB details etc.

For Windows Users

now open .env and modify database etc. details with yours

you need to modify the following values

you may need to change other fields as well, if necessary

# Get Composer packages

We don't add all vendors files into zip, hence you need to get them manually, running below command can get you all composer vendor packages

# Permissions

Laravel requires directories within the storage and the bootstrap/cache directories should be writable by your web server

You should use the minimum permissions available for writing, based on how you've got your web server configured.

If you still run into a permissions error, you may need to increase the permissions to 777, or twiddle your user/group permissions on your server.

You'll also want to make sure that your laravel directory and all files within are owned by something other than root. It's very common to create a user on your server (like www-data), add that user to the apache group, and then chown your files to be owned by www-data, chgrp to the apache group.

This ensures your files can be executed correctly and cache files can be written to without having to give files owned by root the permissions to write or execute.

# Mails

Php Artisan Key:generate Windows 10 Pro

If you want to send emails from your website, you need to configure MAIL_DRIVER etc details in your .env file, if you don't want to send emails (ex: in dev environment), you can set MAIL_DRIVER to log and it will write all your emails to log files.

Global 'from' address


You can specify from address from each email from mailables however if you wish to have a single global from address then please modify config/mail.php below section with your values


If you want to use other mail drivers like sparkpost, mailgun etc, then please refer to /flight-sherman-alexie-pdf-download.html.

# Generate Key

To secure user sessions and other encrypted data, we need to set application key.

# Add tables to the database

Now that, we have set up database details in .env, its time to migrate tables into database.

To have default admin user, we need to seed data into DB, to do that run below command,which inserts two users into the database along with two roles admin and user.

User emailpasswordRole

along with users, it also inserts all countries data into countries table.


If you want to have some dummy data in datatables examples, please run

php artisan db:seed --class=DatatablesSeeder

# Compiling assets

Now we need to get frontend assets and move them to the proper place, please run the following commands.

yarn install

Php Artisan Key:generate Windows 10

npm run dev

if everything compiles successfully, by now you should have a working website

you can access your website at http://URL/public (if not using virtualhosts) or http://URL (if using virtualhosts)and you can access admin section by going to http://URL/public/admin or http://URL/admin respectively.

# After setup

Still, we need to get some keys and set up things to make sure josh is working properly

# Uploads folders permission

we need to provide write permission to the following folder

# CRUD folders permission

our GUI crud generator writes new files to many folders and if you are on *nix, you need to adjust permissions

please check GUI CRUD page for details

# Recaptcha keys

Josh has Google ReCaptcha feature for signup, log in etc

follow this guide to set recaptcha

# Analytics keys

Josh admin panel can display Google analytics data right in your josh dashboard without leaving the site, for which you need to get JSON file from google site and set analytics view

follow for more details

# Google map keys

you need to get google maps keys for maps pages to work, if you don't need these pages, you can ignore it.

# Social Login

Php Artisan Key Generate Command

you can see facebook etc login options in signup and login pages, to make them work properly, please follow this guide